Events — CLAIRE KEANE claire keane art

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Claire Keane // Art & Stories




Draw the Line // Silent Auction
6:00 PM18:00

Draw the Line // Silent Auction

Draw the Line is having a silent auction at Gallery Nucleus to benefit ACLU this Sunday, February 5, 2017!  Over forty amazing artists have donated their work for this amazing event!  Proceeds and donations will go to the ACLU directly.  We will be accepting on site bids and call in bids.  Check here for bidding instructions!  Preview some of the amazing art we will be having for auction at the gallery.


Click here for more info

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Little Big Girl Launch Party
10:30 AM10:30

Little Big Girl Launch Party

Ages 3 to 6

Come to a fun-filled storytime with Claire Keane, who worked at Disney Feature Animation for 10 years designing for Tangled, Frozen , Enchanted and other films.

Her delightful art stands out in her bestselling Once Upon a Cloud and her charming new book, Little Big Girl, a touching picture book about an older sister's unconditional love for her new baby brother.

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Story Design Conference in Rome, Italy
to Oct 2

Story Design Conference in Rome, Italy

Join Claire Keane (Disney, Penguin Random House), Brian McDonald(Pixar, Disney, Industrial Light & Magic), Jenn Ely (Laika, Google, Dreamworks) and Chris Oatley (Disney, Founder/ Director of The Oatley Academy Of Visual Storytelling) in the awe-inspiring city of Rome, Italy for a unique conference designed to help you become the great visual storyteller you are meant to be.
Aesop’s Fables, Romeo and Juliet, The Wizard Of Oz, Bambi, E.T., The Legend Of Zelda, The Lion King, Finding Nemo, The Lord Of The Rings... For thousands of years, great stories have been changing the world. They don’t just teach us how to survive, but why. They unite us in our joy and in our pain. They transmit the power of healing virtues like selflessness, trust, forgiveness and love... The best part of working in animation, games, vfx and publishing is the opportunity to create beautiful, meaningful stories in collaboration with other like-minded, creative people. Obviously, “the industry” can become disconnected from the power of story, but even when it does, great visual storytellers do not. They will always find a way to tell a great story - and for that reason, their work will live on...

So what makes a great visual storyteller? How does a great visual storyteller combine color, composition and character development to create a memorable, emotional experience for the audience? What does it take to develop a stable career as a visual storyteller in today’s increasingly competitive industry? ...and how do you develop your own unique “visual voice”? The Story Design Conference will provide inspiring and actionable insight into these crucial questions. This isn’t simply a “sit quietly and watch famous artists be awesome” kind of thing. It’s a personal, participatory conference with a curriculum designed by four of the entertainment industry’s best teachers. Bring your portfolios and story ideas! There will be frequent opportunities for personal interaction and feedback. Whether you’re a concept artist, character designer, illustrator, story artist, animator, 3D artist, etc., all of the instructors will be available throughout the conference to help accelerate your artistic development. Join us 2016 September 27th - October 2nd in Rome, Italy for The Story Design Conference. Space is extremely limited. Register today and we’ll see you in Rome for the experience of a lifetime!

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